Pdf shrink file size tool
Pdf shrink file size tool

pdf shrink file size tool

Do not use High-quality Graphics- avoid using best quality graphics at your PDF file's output- it is also recommended to use text and images that are monochrome and leave the thumbnails off when saving the files for the web.In order to reduce pdf file size, there are few techniques that can be applied to enable and optimize pdf files without pdf compress tool. Make a PDF File Smaller without compressing tool


  • Download Compressed PDF File: Click on 'Download compressed PDF' to download compressed PDF files.
  • Usually, it will take a few seconds, depending on the pdf file size.
  • Uploading & Compression: It starts the uploading and compression process, so don't close your tab or browser.
  • Select Compression Level: Select any compression level as per your requirements and then click on the 'Compress File' button.
  • You can upload multiple pdf files to our PDF Compressor.
  • Upload: Click on 'Choose Files' or 'Drag & Drop' to upload PDF files.
  • Also, try to avoid the use of multimedia.įollow below steps to compress pdf file online:

    pdf shrink file size tool

    Make sure you minimize the complexity and number of forms in your PDF file and also flatten form fields. Nevertheless, to convert the smallest possible PDF documents to be used in the web, always minimize the number of fonts, bitmapped images these are images made of single dots, which are picture elements or pixels that are arranged and colored differently so as to form a pattern, should be replaced with vector graphics instead. Some of the factors include, image resolution, number of fonts used and the way they have been embedded, the PDF version and the magnitude of compression. Due to this hindrance, you can make a PDF file smaller without reducing the its quality by following various steps provided to you and considering some factors. However, working with PDF files sometimes is hectic due to their large sizes that could consume a bigger space that is sometimes not available. Even though there are other formats in which data can be converted and used, PDF is one of the mostly preferred formats since it is easy to manage and even convert into other formats. When it comes to sending documents for instance through mails, the best format that the data should be is PDF. However in soft copy, data has to be converted into the right format that can be easily be read, transferred to another system or stored. With the technological advancements being experienced across the globe, many people are switching from the storage of information in hard copies.

    Pdf shrink file size tool